Food allergy is an unwanted reaction caused by specific immune response to a food. In this case, the immune system recognizes some foods as an external invader and responds to it. This reaction causes some symptoms such as itchiness, hives, nausea or headaches.

Food allergens are certain constituents of food or food constituents (especially proteins) that are identified by specific immune cells as antigens.

Since milk is the first food consumed by children, the most common protein that causes food allergy in children is cow's milk protein.

Most cases of food allergies in children occur in the first year of life. Allergy can occur quickly and immediately within minutes to 1 to 2 hours after taking the allergen. Allergy in children sometimes develops as stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea after 1 to 2 days.

Food allergy treatment

  • Food allergy in children usually is resolved after 2-4 years old.
  • People with severe food allergies to one type of food should avoid eating it.
  • There is no medication for a definitive cure for food allergies, but some medications can be used to reduce or relieve symptoms.
